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The Legacy of the Three Boys from Talas: Honoring Teachers, Empowering Educators


Talas American School for Boys was a place of wonders, nestled in the Talas district of Kayseri, Türkiye. Established in 1871, it was one of the country’s oldest and most respected secondary schools, known for its rigorous curriculum, particularly in English, and its notable alumni. As a boarding school, it became a second home to its students, where friendships were forged and life lessons were learned, often within the school’s walls more than their own homes.

Among the many stories of Talas, one stands out—the story of three boys from the Class of 1959. These boys, despite their differing interests, backgrounds, and personalities, formed a bond stronger than family. Their friendship deepened not only during joyful times but also during challenging moments, like when one of them faced a disciplinary hearing that could have led to expulsion. It was their teacher, Robert Keller, who stepped in, advocating for a second chance and offering steadfast support. Mr. Keller, along with his wife Dorothy (Dee), the students’ English teacher, left an indelible mark on their lives. From providing pocket money for trips to Kayseri to instilling values of kindness and perseverance, the Kellers shaped their students' lives in ways they would only fully realize years later.

After middle school, life led the three boys down different paths, with careers in diverse fields and residences in different cities. Yet, decades later, they found themselves reunited in Washington, D.C. Their friendship, undiminished by time, was a reminder of the powerful bonds formed during their formative years. As they reminisced, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned to the Kellers—the couple who had so profoundly influenced their lives. News of Mrs. Keller’s passing and Mr. Keller’s health struggles stirred in them a deep desire to honor their beloved teachers.

“Life is full of hazards and surprises,” reflected one of them. “Somehow, the three of us connected again abroad after so many years for a reason. It was an opportunity for us to rekindle our friendship and develop projects.”

As they brainstormed ways to celebrate the Kellers, one idea resonated above all: empowering teachers. “After all, it all began with a teacher couple, Mr. and Mrs. Keller, for us,” they agreed. With input from their friends, including Jale Onur, the three boys from Talas established the Excellence in Teaching initiative through Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF).

“Thanks to Mr. Keller, we got a chance to give together and do something productive together with my friends from middle school,” shared another. “My friends’ roles have been the key ingredient to attract and empower qualified support, which has led this simple intention and project to become something effective with future potential to serve the communities our Talas teachers loved and served with authentic dedication and commitment.”

In collaboration with SEV (Health and Education Foundation) and Arizona State University, the Excellence in Teaching initiative provides eight-week workshops for over 30 teachers annually. These workshops focus on enhancing English proficiency, leadership, global citizenship, and student-centered teaching techniques. “The team we have is a good one,” the third one noted. “The collaboration among different organizations, the quality of people participating, and the relationships we’re building—it’s all brimming with potential.”

The fund, open to contributions from all, is not just a tribute to the Kellers but a celebration of all educators who shape the future. Here’s to the three boys from Talas, their beloved teachers, and every teacher around the world who believes in the transformative power of education.


“Life is full of hazards and surprises,” reflected one of them. “Somehow, the three of us connected again abroad after so many years for a reason. It was an opportunity for us to rekindle our friendship and develop projects.” 

The Dorothy and Robert Keller Excellence in Teaching Fund: Impact in numbers

Program Participation

  • 4 Cohorts Completed: A testament to sustained support since April 2022.
  • 160 Educators Reached to Date: Across all program cohorts, enhancing teaching excellence via collaboration with Arizona State University
  • Language Proficiency for All Levels: Courses from Intermediate to Advanced English served diverse educator needs.

Academic Achievements

  • 92.8% Average Completion Grade: Achieved in the Liberatory Design Thinking course, highlighting participant engagement.
  • 90% Average Course Score Across All Training: Underscoring high academic standards.
  • 21% Average Score Increase: From pre- to post-tests in language courses, demonstrating measurable skill improvement.

Empowering Educators and Students

  • Advanced Pedagogical Tools Adopted: Participants reported improved empathy and inclusive learning techniques.
  • Wide Range of Skills Improved: From lesson planning to integrating language in subject-based teaching.
  • Thousands of Students Positively Affected: Educators shared knowledge and applied best practices in their classrooms.

Vision for the Future

  • Fifth Cohort Underway: Expanding curriculum options and increasing enrollment.
  • Scaling Impact with Arizona State University: Exploring additional courses for future iterations.

Nesilden nesile geleneğinde rekor

147 yıllık tarihiyle İzmir Amerikan Koleji, aynı aile içinden dört nesile uzanan mezunlarıyla kuşaktan kuşağa aktarılan bir miras haline gelmiştir. Bu yıl hazırlık sınıfına kaydolan 16 öğrencimizle nesilden nesile ACI geleneğine bir kuşak daha ekleniyor. Hem annesi hem babası mezunumuz olan iki öğrencimizle birlikte tam 18 mezunumuzla bu köklü gelenekte son yılların en yüksek rakamına ulaşmanın mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Anne ve babalarıyla aynı sıralarda ACI’lı olmanın heyecanını yaşayan yeni öğrencilerimiz ve mezunlarımızla 14 Aralık Cumartesi günü kampüste bir araya geldik. Bu özel buluşmayı tüm mezunlarımızla paylaşmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Nice nesilden nesile mezunlara…

The Legacy of the Three Boys from Talas: Honoring Teachers, Empowering Educators

Talas American School for Boys was a place of wonders, nestled in the Talas district of Kayseri, Türkiye. Established in 1871, it was one of the country’s oldest and most respected secondary schools, known for its rigorous curriculum, particularly in English, and its notable alumni. As a boarding school, it became a second home to its students, where friendships were forged and life lessons were learned, often within the school’s walls more than their own homes.

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